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DEGREVE effect.

Improved Concentration

Dual neck cooling
resolves cognitive disorders caused
by stress and anxiety,
improving productivity and academic
performance positively.

DEGREVE effect.

Improve Insomnia and
Quality Sleep

Comfortable neck temperature
improves insomnia
and helps achieve
quality sleep.

DEGREVE effect.

Relief of Stress
and Anxiety

Upper neck dual cooling reduces anxiety
by activating the vagus nerv
and alleviates stress through
the reduction of cortisol
hormone levels.

DEGREVE effect.

Relief of Pain
and Inflammation

Cools the heat generated in the neck
due to poor posture, stress, and excessive
muscle use, reducing inflammation
and pain in the neck and shoulder areas.

DEGREVE effect.

Improved Endurance
and Athletic Performance

Dual neck cooling increases cognitive
function and reaction speed during
exercise, enabling smoother

DEGREVE effect.

Improved Temperature Regulation
for Seniors

Upper neck dual cooling enhances the
the reduced body temperature
regulation ability in seniors over 50.